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My job in this Free Company is to assist Aleister in coming up with activities and goals for the Free Company and its members. As well as assisting Lumi, and Tilis in other activities. If a problem ever is to arise I will probably be the one to handle it to help take the stress off of other people and there resposibilites.

I have been playing MMORPGs for several years I started with EQOA on the ps2 and have bounced around across many games since. In FFXIV:ARR I have played all the classes and excelled at a few. I pride myself in my Bard and Healers, and am willing to sit down with others to help them with any questions or tyring to figure out the best way to raise there DPS or maximize there Heals to benefit there group in Dungeons and Raids.

Torpah Mahes

Free Company

Aleister Mitrenahr

My Job in the Free Company is to have the final say when it comes to thing to do. I work with my officer to figure out what we need to do to help the Free Company flurish. If  a problem is to arise and Mahes can not fix it I will do everything in my power to fix it ASAP.




I assist Aleister and Mahes with day to day stuff and I help with putting together events and activities within the Free Company. 


I am also the in charge of all Recruitment tactics for Abels Vengeance.





Tabris Azriel



I assist Aleister and Mahes with day to day stuff and I help with putting together events and activities within the Free Company. 


Tilis Vigard



These are our Free Company Officers and a little more about them.

We want everyone in the Free Company to feel free to come talk to us at any time so here is some stuff about us!

Our FC Leadership

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