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Our Free Company has been around since the beta of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Since the beginning we have refined our abilities as a Free Company and within our ranks we have some amazing Crafters and Gatherers, Endgame Raiders, and people who love the game and prefer to play casually. We like to help our member out getting raids, dungeons, and primals done for them. We do pride ourselves in the quality of our members. We like our members to be good with the classes they play and are willing to help them figure out the best rotation and gear for the people.


Ultimately we are all here for one reason and it is because we love the game. We dont want to take anything away from the game with strict rule like some Free Companies and we dont want to try to control what people do with there time. We just want to be a place you can call home and you can enjoy the company of the people you talk to most frequently. 

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